"Vintage" pandesals

According to residents, this small bakery serves the best pandesal bread in Makati. Located alongside a busy road artery, the bakery specializes in traditional breads such as pre-war pandesal and old style American bread. All procedures are done traditionally with methods dating back decades. This includes the way bread is baked with use of firewood instead of coal or electricity; this undoubtedly gives the bread a unique smokey and fresh flavor. Also, the bread is made with all natural ingredients without any additives and preservatives whatsoever. In fact the delightful sweetness found in the bread comes from brown sugar, instead of artificial sweeteners.
Distinctly being one of the only places to preserve traditional baking methods, the place has become very popular ever since, both for it's unique taste and historic background. In fact if you're to enter the store at any time in the morning, it's not easy to miss a pile of firewood seven feet high. Amazingly it all disappears in the afternoon!

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